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Spiritual Reflection - July 2024

Have you ever noticed in your work as a Vincentian, that for some people who receive considerable help, very little gratitude is expressed. Then, for others, something quite small at the time is done for them, and a mountain of gratitude arrives. What is going on here?In a book entitled ‘The Road Less Travelled’, the author begins by stating: “Life is difficult”. He then goes on to say that there are two types of people: those who accept this fact and those who think life shouldn’t be ...

June 25, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - June 2024

EXAMINING OUR CONSCIENCESt Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, had a strict rule for his confreres when they were pushed for time to pray. It was “don’t forget the examen”. It was a 15 minute exercise set aside to review the day. The secret was not to limit oneself to what you had done wrong, or where you had failed, but to first look at how you have been blessed this day. This is a practice which, after a while simply makes you aware of how your life is being constantly gifted. It...

May 29, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - May 2024

DEALING WITH SINThis article is a continuation of the other essays produced for 2024 on the subject of prayer.Over the years of my life in the priesthood, I have been fortunate enough to work with people prepared to devote a time to being with God in stillness and quiet.The one thing I have repeatedly noticed is, when someone really commits to giving a time to prayer on a regular basis, they will very soon become aware of their own feeble response to God. Often, this is preceded by a powerful ex...

April 29, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - April 2024

What is written below is designed to be read with the other essays as promised for 2024.MY IMAGE OF GODI love because I loveI love that I might loveLove gives pleasure of itself.  (St Bernard)The letters of St John in scripture emphasize again and again that God is love.  So that a love for prayer can be developed within us, we need to make sure that we are searching for the God who is found in love.This God loves me. Full stop, no ifs, no buts, no conditions. The tragic thing is we do...

April 3, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - March 2024

(This article continues the theme of developing our spirituality, as referred to in my February article.) Now the Jewish Feast of the Passover was near.  When Jesus looked up and saw a large crowd coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where can we buy bread for these people to eat?” But He was asking this to test him, for He knew what He was about to do.Philip answered, “Two hundred denarii would not buy enough bread for each of them to have a small piec...

February 29, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - February 2024

And his teaching made a deep impression on them because,unlike the scribes,he taught them with authority  (Mk 1:22).The recently deceased National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society, Terry Jordan, wanted to emphasize the spiritual side of the Society. Clearly he knew that we cannot be true Disciples of Christ without this emphasis. After all, we serve the poor in the hope that all will come to know the treasure hidden in Christ. Because of Terry’s emphasis I intend to devote...

January 29, 2024

Spiritual Reflection - January 2024

January 2023WHERE IS THE POVERTY?A religious sister whom I worked with in my early years of priesthood, eventually spent some years in the 1980’s working in Ethiopia. I often thought of her, as Ethiopia at the time was experiencing a huge famine. More than a million died as a result. To my joy, this servant of God was at Sunday Mass in my parish soon after her return home. I instinctively knew that an interesting conversation would take place if I made the time. There must be a huge diffe...

December 4, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - December 2023

It is somewhat irritating as Christmas draws near, writing something relating to the Christian message, when there is a war going on between the peoples of Palestine and Israel. Fighting for peace is of course a totally misleading slogan. Young Israeli’s conscripted into the armed forces are taught they must do this (go out and kill) and then return to normal life. They label the people they fight as “terrorists”. Even if they do win, and they most likely will, they will still lose be...

December 1, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - November 2023

It is true that we are called to create a better world.But we are first of all called to a more immediate task:that of creating our own lives.– Thomas MertonThomas Merton had been a Trappist monk for several years before he became known for his protests against the building of nuclear weapons. His book ‘Seven Story Mountain’ was written soon after World War 2. It attracted a widespread interest in deeper forms of prayer and the monastic life. What he says in the above statement is importan...

October 30, 2023

50th Anniversary - The National Council of Tonga

Read the newsletter for full coverage of the 50th Anniversary celebrations recently held in Tonga....

October 21, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - October 2023

The encyclical Pacem In Terris was presented to the world by Pope John 23rd in 1963 in response to the Cuban missile crisis a year earlier. We could say the document was a call to politicians everywhere to establish a global community. It was certainly well-received and intended as not something meant just for Catholics.  Early in the document, Pope John refers to human rights: the right to freedom of speech, belief and so on.  Under the heading of Human Rights...

October 4, 2023

President-elect presents credentials to Pope Francis

A bust of Ozanam was gifted to the PontiffBrother Juan Manuel Buergo Gómez was this week in Rome to present his credentials to Pope Francis in his capacity as President General-elect. The cordial meeting took place yesterday, September 6, in St. Peter’s Square, after the traditional Catechesis on “Wednesday’s Audience”.On the occasion, the President-elect said to the Pontiff: “Your Holiness, I am Juan Manuel Buergo, the new President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, fr...

September 8, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - September 2023

The picture above portrays an event  in the life of St Martin of Tours.  The story goes that Martin, while still preparing for baptism, came across a beggar, freezing from lack of clothing in the middle of winter. Martin then removed his cloak, cut it in half with his sword and presented one half to the man. Later that night, Martin had a vision of Christ saying: “Martin, a mere catechumen has clothed me”. The artist, Fr David Orange. He views this work as a visual r...

August 22, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - July 2023

Like the nectar of the flax flower...

May 29, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - August 2023

The corners of a house may be seen and examined,Not so the corners of the heart....

May 22, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - June 2023

Steadfast as the rock that scorns the lashing tides....

May 22, 2023

Latest Issue of ‘Ozanam Network’ Digital Magazine

The Issue nº 01/2023 of ‘Ozanam Network’ digital magazine, translated and edited by Council General International’s Communications Department, is now available. One of the highlighted news is “SSVP is celebrating 190 years of its foundation.”  This issue is also packed with other news and relevant information, including:2023 – Year dedicated to Jules Gossin, 2nd President GeneralInformation on candidates for the 17th President GeneralUkraine: a misión of peace and charity...

May 15, 2023

News from the Council General International

Dear brothers and sisters (ITVPs)Peace of ChristThe Society of Saint Vincent de Paul (SSVP) and the Religious of St. Vincent de Paul (RSV), as well as the entire Vincentian Family and the Holy Church, celebrate with joy the beatification of Father Henri Planchat, who was a fellow member of a Vincentian Conference in Paris in the early years of our Society.For more details, please click the below link.

April 28, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - May 2023

Aroha mai, aroha atuLove received demands love returned...

February 28, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - April 2023

Ko te maumahara kore ki ngā whakapapa o ōu mātua tīpuna, e rite ana ki te pūkaka awa kāore ōna hikuawa, ki te rākau rānei kāore ōna pakiaka.To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without its roots....

February 28, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - March 2023

TUWHITIA TE HOPO! Banish your fears!Feel the fear and do it anyway!A popular hymn these days ‘BE NOT AFRAID’ is inspired by texts in the 1st Testament of the bible and incorporates the invitation of Jesus ‘Come follow me’. It may surprise you but that phrase (or similar) appears 365 times in the bible. The two people at the beginning of the Jesus story, namely Mary and Joseph hear these words uttered by the angel.  Given the reason for their fear they certainly needed this reassuran...

February 28, 2023

Circular Letter to SVDP Members - 31 January 2023

The President General speaks of the importance of succession at the Council General and gives some advice to the VincentiansToday, January 31th, 2023, another Circular Letter written by brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, 16th President General International of the SSVP, as he has been doing since the beginning of his mandate. The Circular Letters are published in general, annually, and follow a tradition started by the 1st President General   Bailly de Surcy when he wrote the f...

February 1, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - February 2023

Ko tangata  takahi manuhiri, ko te marae puehu:Insult the visitor and you contaminate the marae.This magnificent whakatauakī (saying) reveals an understanding that something connects us with each other.  The wairua (spirit) of each us comes from the same Source. Because of this understanding, in the Māori world, manaakitanga (hospitality) is key to welcoming visitors onto a marae. Real hospitality is when you are made to feel you belong. Anything less in the Maori world is an insult ...

February 1, 2023

Spiritual Reflection - January 2023

I grew up in south Taranaki with the mountain staring at me as I stood at our backdoor. My memory has me seeing myself positioned right in the middle of this beauty pondering Phantom’s Peak, the mountain in miniature, displaying equal majesty, halfway from the top. A liberal smattering of snow seemed always to decorate what nature had provided for our eyes a long time ago. In my naivety as a child I didn’t think this mountain was anything special and thought all mountains were like that! One...

December 20, 2022

Spiritual Reflection - December 2022

A great meditation for me is to ponder the characters in the Nativity story: Joseph, Mary, the Three Wise Men and observe what comes to mind. When I do this, two words keeps surfacing: generous and listen. Joseph knows how to listen to the Spirit through his dreams. All of his instructions came to him in his dreams. His fiancé is pregnant but he learns not to divorce her. When the child is born he realizes he must remove Jesus from Bethlehem and go down to Egypt (the land that speaks of slaver...

November 30, 2022 Posts 1-25 of 108 | Page next