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Spiritual Reflection - October 2024

Once again, this article is meant to be read with those written for 2024, as part of the whole on the subject of prayer and its relevance to Vincentians.

We {also} need to ask ourselves whether,
out of love of the poor and the oppressed,
we have the evangelical audacity to break with the past if necessary,
with “what we’ve always done.” (Fr Pedro Arrupe, SJ)

Every baptised person is called to live according to the gospel. Only then can we expect to be taken seriously. 

If we are conscious that the gospel is about liberating the poor and oppressed, then we need to keep in mind Fr Arrupe’s question stated above.

Our examen needs to focus on the needs I see around me. That is why prayer in our lives is so necessary. By this I mean, the type of prayer whereby we become still and listen. In that setting, we eventually will hear God calling and may be that is to a letting go of the past and opening up to something new. 

At the same time, if we are given a dream that is from God, our fears will surface. These often rule our decisions and so the dream comes to an end. 

Change for the sake of change is crazy, but being opposed to change, no matter what, prevents us from ever widening our horizons and leads to a dead end. Opponents to change get to keep their minds closed. Their fears never surface. Nor does any growth. 

Where there is life there will be change and the more powerfully this is motivated by service to the poor, then the more powerfully will the enemy within us attempt to kill our explorations. On the other hand, a person immersed in the Spirit of God will choose the life giving path, no matter the cost. 

Fear ends many dreams, and again that is why prayerful contemplation is so important – sitting in the Presence, waiting, and being reassured that God is with us.   

I am writing this article soon after our Sunday Mass. I have in mind the young child who constantly bolted around the pews throughout our Mass. He was never still. I didn’t mind in the least, (although Mum did!) because that is what a 3 year old does. For adults however, it is different. We can’t go on like that, although many try! We are created to be discover God in stillness. Why? To listen. Then, in that silence we can discern whether what is emerging in our thoughts is really from God. If so, we then need to hear for ourselves the words of the angel to Mary: be not afraid. 

As well, if I seriously keep Arrupe’s question in mind, then I will have the courage to embark on the new route which I discern is necessary. I won’t become stuck in the mentality: “I’ve always done it this way, and this is how I will continue to do it”. 

Long, long ago, when God was forming his people, he gave human beings the power to choose. Deuteronomy 30 is worth reading, if only to discover the following verse:  

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you
that I have set before you 
life and death, 
blessing and cursing. 
Therefore choose life, 
that both you and your seed may live (Deut 30:19).

SHARING:  Focus on a time in your life when radical change was called for? 
How did you feel?  Were you tempted to shut down, or did you feel excited? 
How did it all work out in the end?