Vinnies Youth
Since the early 1900’s, young people have been involved with the work of the Society in New Zealand.
Young people are not just the future of the Society in New Zealand — they are the Society, as they always have been. The Society was founded by seven people, most of whom were teenagers.
The object of having a youth arm of the Society that caters for people from age about 11 to 30ish is to help them to realise that there are people in society in need, and to encourage them to help those people. They are also encouraged to realise that the reason Vincentians help people is not just because they feel good doing this work, but because of the Gospel message to love your neighbour as yourself.
International Manual of Guidance
For the first time in its history the General Council International of the SSVP, through the International Vice-Presidency for Youth, Children and Adolescents, is launching an International Manual containing orientations and guidelines for the formation and composition of Youth Committees throughout the SSVP. Download the manual below...

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