This holiday house is made available for the use of families in need: Either recovering from mental or physical illness, people under stress or pressure, or those in need of help through financial difficulties. In the main, people who qualify for the use of the house would, for one reason or another, not be able to have a holiday otherwise.The house is made available only through direct representation from a conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In order to qualify for the use of the house, a family or individual must be recommended by a conference, and a written confirmation of this must be made to the representative of the Picton Conference. When a firm booking is made by a conference we ask that payment accompany the letter.
The charge is $25 per night or $150 per week.
The Picton Conference welcomes guests to enjoy the pleasures of Picton.
More details and forms are available on application.
Contact: Maria McConway - Phone: 03 573 7111, Mobile: 027 353 6756