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Welcome to the Society of St Vincent de Paul, supporting communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand with generosity and compassion. 

Right now it’s tough going for many families and households who are desperately trying to make ends meet. Please give generously so we can provide practical assistance to those in need.

We have a long and proud history of helping people in need in New Zealand. In the 150 years since the Society has been in New Zealand it has given practical assistance to thousands of people.

Vinnies Youth

Young people are not only the future, they are part of its present. They are dedicated young people who work for social justice and want to make a difference in the world.


There are 106 Conferences across New Zealand. Members assist those in need. No work of Charity if foreign to the Society.

Our Shops

St Vincent de Paul Centres and Shops aid the most vulnerable in the community. Members and volunteers assist to alleviate suffering and promote human dignity and personal integrity in all their dimensions.

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If you are needing assistance in some way please visit our shops page and find a shop local to you. They will be able to help direct you to support services in your area.

Latest News

Spiritual Reflection - October 2024

Once again, this article is meant to be read with those written for 2024, as part of the whole on the subject of prayer and its relevance to Vincentians. We {also} need to ask ourselves whether, outRead more

Spiritual Reflection - September 2024

FOOD THAT LASTS FOREVER! This article is inspired by John 6. It continues the series on prayer scheduled for 2024. The greatest disease in the West today is not tuberculosis or leprosy; it is beingRead more

Spiritual Reflection - August 2024

This article continues the series on prayer for this year, 2024. The most important thing to happen between God and the human soul is to love and to be loved. (Kallistos Kataphygiotis)  As the nameRead more

Spiritual Reflection - July 2024

Have you ever noticed in your work as a Vincentian, that for some people who receive considerable help, very little gratitude is expressed. Then, for others, something quite small at the time is doneRead more

Spiritual Reflection - June 2024

EXAMINING OUR CONSCIENCE St Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, had a strict rule for his confreres when they were pushed for time to pray. It was “don’t forget the examen”. It was a 15Read more

Spiritual Reflection - May 2024

DEALING WITH SIN This article is a continuation of the other essays produced for 2024 on the subject of prayer. Over the years of my life in the priesthood, I have been fortunate enough to work withRead more

Spiritual Reflection - April 2024

What is written below is designed to be read with the other essays as promised for 2024. MY IMAGE OF GOD I love because I love I love that I might love Love gives pleasure of itself.  (St Bernard)Read more

Spiritual Reflection - March 2024

(This article continues the theme of developing our spirituality, as referred to in my February article.)  Now the Jewish Feast of the Passover was near.  When Jesus looked up and saw a largeRead more

Spiritual Reflection - February 2024

And his teaching made a deep impression on them because, unlike the scribes, he taught them with authority  (Mk 1:22). The recently deceased National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society,Read more

Spiritual Reflection - January 2024

January 2023 WHERE IS THE POVERTY? A religious sister whom I worked with in my early years of priesthood, eventually spent some years in the 1980’s working in Ethiopia. I often thought of her, asRead more

Spiritual Reflection - December 2023

It is somewhat irritating as Christmas draws near, writing something relating to the Christian message, when there is a war going on between the peoples of Palestine and Israel. Fighting for peaceRead more

Spiritual Reflection - November 2023

It is true that we are called to create a better world. But we are first of all called to a more immediate task: that of creating our own lives. – Thomas Merton Thomas Merton had been a Trappist moRead more

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Vincentian Foundation for the Elderly

Since being established, the Foundation has provided funding for many senior orientated projects. The current focus is on providing grants to help fund hearing aids for seniors on low incomes throughout New Zealand.

Find out how you can help or apply for a grant ›